Everything was going great… until they left town

Scenario: You just started dating someone—maybe you’re four dates in—and things have been going surprisingly well.

The conversations flow effortlessly, peppered with jokes and shared interests. You’ve even started to envision the possibility of something more.

But just as you’re getting comfortable with this budding connection, your crush drops the bombshell—they’re going on vacation for two weeks. How do you navigate communication if they leave town?

Don’t panic.

Maintaining communication during times apart can be a delicate dance, especially when it’s a new connection.

Whether you or your romantic interest left town, the anticipation of maintaining that connection can sometimes lead to uncertainty. However, there are ways to navigate this situation smoothly and ensure the connection remains intact. Here are some strategies to consider.

6 Tips For Maintaining A New Connection Through Temporary Distance

1. Initiate a Mid-Trip Check-In: A simple message expressing well wishes for their trip or inquiring about how it’s going can go a long way. It shows that you’re thinking of them and interested in their experiences, fostering a sense of connection even when miles apart.

2. Propose a FaceTime or phone call: Suggesting a video call or a quick chat during their trip can add a personal touch to your communication. It allows real-time interaction, bridging the physical gap and deepening your connection.

3. Manage Expectations: It’s crucial to refrain from placing undue pressure on the other person to maintain constant communication while they’re away. Remember, they’re not obligated to keep in touch at every moment. Respect their space and pace, allowing the relationship to develop naturally.

4. Schedule a Post-Trip Date: Setting a date for when you both return can reignite excitement and anticipation, whether grabbing a coffee or exploring a new restaurant together. Having something to look forward to can strengthen the connection and solidify future plans.

5. Reach Out Upon Return: If they left town, sending a text upon their return or a day or two before they return is a thoughtful way to express interest in reconnecting. Similarly, if you’re the one away, informing them of your availability upon your return can help them plan that long-awaited date.

6. Don’t Jump to Conclusions: It’s important not to read too much into a lack of responsiveness during time apart. Everyone has different communication styles and comfort levels; their silence doesn’t necessarily indicate disinterest. However, if repeated attempts to reach out go unanswered, it may be time to reassess the situation.

Don’t forget to lower the stakes.

Navigating communication while one or both of you are out of town requires maintaining a connection without overwhelming the other. By employing these strategies and respecting each other’s boundaries, you can keep your connection and continue seeing each other when they are/you are home. Remember, absence can make the heart grow fonder, but the effort put into staying connected truly sustains the flame.

Early dating needs momentum, and if things don’t work out because your connection fizzled during this time apart, it was probably never meant to be!

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